Chuyên mục: Sober Living

  • List of 9 Opiate Withdrawal Medications Compared

    Use with caution and in reduced dosage in patients with hypothyroidism. Once-daily dosing usually is adequate; there generally is no apparent advantage to divided doses. However, rapid metabolizers may not maintain adequate plasma concentrations with usual dosing regimens. Standardized concentrations for epidural methadone† off-label have been established through Standardize 4 Safety (S4S), a national patient […]
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  • The Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing MASH

    27.d Documentation that residents are formally linked with the community such as job search, education, family services, health and/or housing programs. The Pilot Program to Help Individuals in Recovery from a Substance Use Disorder Become Stably Housed (Recovery Housing Program), was authorized under Section 8071 of the Support for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act in […]
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  • Alcohol Tapering Guide

    It can be tempting to just “rip off the Band-Aid” when getting sober, but tapering off alcohol is often much safer—and much less stressful. Rather than quitting drinking abruptly (or “cold turkey”), many professionals recommend gradually reducing your drinking (or tapering) over time. This can give your body the chance to adjust, helping you avoid […]
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